Freestanding Curved Staircases

Most staircases are supported, at least partially, by walls built directly below the stair. Designing a staircase to be freestanding, or at least partially open below, is a great way to gain useable floor space in your design. 

A true freestanding stair will not have a wall on either side, whereas a stair that only contacts one wall could be referred to as “open below”. These designs are particularly useful in large open rooms where walls would segment the space and destroy the open feel.

A freestanding staircase has the ability to stand in the middle of such a space and enhance it, not detract. An “open below” staircase will be set to one side or the other of a room and allow the space beneath the stair to be utilized.  

Either choice can be spectacular, so the next time you are designing a staircase, don't "wall yourself in" from the start.

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